Manuals & Guides
Manuals and Guides
“Guide to Low-Emission Boiler and Combustion Equipment Selection” by C. B. Oland, Date Published: April 2002
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831
managed by UT-BATTELLE, LLC for the
under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725
This 170 page document is a thorough presentation of all aspects of boiler emissions and improvement techniques.
Click here to download “Guide to Low-Emission Boiler” 2.0 Meg PDF
“Boilers and Heaters – Improving Energy Efficiency”; Natural Resources Canada – Office of Energy Efficiency; updated 2008.
This primer is an excellent introduction to boiler efficiency and methods for determining efficiency. Topics include fundamentals of combustion and heat losses; boiler and heater operational controls; environmental impacts of combustion; combustion regulations; energy management tips.
Click here to download in PDF format
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies, Steam Best Practices
The “BestPractices” program helps to identify opportunities to save substantial amounts of energy in industrial manufacturing plants. It provides access to Informational resources and tools, technical assistance and demonstration of emerging technologies. BestPractices teams with industrial companies to conduct hands-on energy assessments and training in energy management practices.
The website also provides downloads of the following software:
Steam System Scoping Tool. This spreadsheet is designed to help steam system energy managers and operations personnel for large industrial plants. The program will profile and grade steam system operations and management. This tool will help you to evaluate your steam system operations against identified best practices.
Steam System Assessment Tool. This allows users to assess potential savings from individualized steam-system improvements. Users input data about their plant’s conditions, and the software generates results detailing the energy, cost, and emissions savings that various improvements could achieve.
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Steam System Opportunity Assessment for the
Pulp and Paper, Chemical Manufacturing and
Petroleum Refining Industries
“Council of Industrial Boiler Owners Energy Efficiency Handbook”; 1997.
This 63 page handbook provides information on water treatment; combustion; boilers; controls; heat recovery; fans, pumps and other auxiliaries; flue gas treatment; steam systems; compressed air systems; and electrical distribution systems.
Click here to download CIBO Steam Handbook 1.5 Meg PDF
“An Energy Efficiency and Environmental Primer for Boilers and Heaters”; Natural Resources Canada/Ontario Ministry of the Environment/Union Gas/ Enbridge Gas; 2000.
Click here to see the Chapters that are available for download